Establishment & Name
Preparative meetings for the formation of AFOB had been held four times prior to its official establishment (April 27th, Songdo Technopark, Incheon, Korea, KSBB 2007 National Spring Meeting; November 5th and 7th, Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, APBioChEC 2007 Meeting; April 18th, Jeonju City, Korea, KSBB 2008(National Spring Meeting). The delegates from participating Asian countries discussed on the launching of AFOB during the meetings.
The International Federation bears the name Asian Federation of Biotechnology, abbreviated to “AFOB”, hereafter referred to as ‘The Federation’.

Seat of the Federation

- Stimulating sound discussions on bioethical and socio-economic consequences of the application of new knowledge or technology.
- Helping to ensure that the public, politicians, non-governmental organizations, and the media obtain a fair and balanced view of the benefits, opportunities, and risks associated with the use of biotechnology (e.g., by publishing its own journals or other publications or by supporting other parties which publish journals or other publications).
- Organizing regular congresses, symposia, workshops, scientific events, exhibitions, and seminars.
- Organizing the Asian Congress on Biotechnology (ACB) on a regular basis.
- Accepting conceptual and administrative tasks with respect to research funding, technology transfer, and the improvement of international relations in the areas of AFoB activities.
- Co-operating with other non-profit societies that support or complement the aims of the Federation according to its Statutes.
- Co-operating with other relevant international and national organizations.
- Exchange of knowledge, skills, and people between (mainly but not exclusively) academic and industrial research institutions located in Asian region.
- Complementing and supporting the activities of national and cross-national (mainly but not exclusively) Asian societies related to biotechnology.
- Initiating and promoting (mainly but not exclusively) Asian research collaborations.
- Supporting training and mobility of students and post-doctoral researchers in biotechnology in Asia.
- Initiating and supporting activities to increase public awareness and acceptance of the beneficial uses of biotechnology.
- Enhancing and promoting innovation and technology transfer.

The general objective of the Federation is to promote co-operation, on scientific grounds, between the scientists from academia and industry in Asian region, for the general advancement of biotechnology as an interdisciplinary field of research and as a means of bringing the scientific development to industrial level.
The Federation works to promote the safe, sustainable and beneficial use of Nature’s resources in life sciences and technologies by supporting sound science as well as the application of engineering and technology.
The Federation strives to improve public perceptions and education, to facilitate exchange of people and ideas, and to stimulate innovation and technology transfer with the common goal of advancing biotechnology in Asia and in the rest of the world.
The Federation seeks to expand the network of regional scientists and organizations to enhance mobility and to facilitate exchange of skills and ideas among Asian nations.
- The Federation shall consist of Asian societies related to biotechnology. Individual Asian biotechnologists can also be a member of the Federation. By special arrangements, other societies with related interest from inside or outside the Asian area may also be able to join the Federation as a group member on terms to be negotiated with the executive committee of AFOB.
- Commercial companies and their employees may become members of the AFOB on payment of fees.
- Other organizations and individuals with an interest in biotechnology may become members of the AFOB on payment of dues.
- Members are entitled to attend the General Assembly and have a right to vote on the cases introduced on the agenda. Group members can also attend the General Assembly at which each delegate has a single vote.
- All members will be regularly informed of the activities of the Federation.
- Withdrawal of membership from the Federation may take effect at the end of any calendar year, provided a notice communicating such withdrawal has been given by registered letter to the Federation’s Central Office at least 6 months in advance.
- The Federation does not control the activities of its members.
- The Executive Board may propose the dismissal of any member of the Federation, after having given such member the opportunity to answer before the General Assembly to the allegations made by the General Assembly against the member in question. Such decision to dismiss a member requires a two-thirds majority of the representatives present or a simple majority at two consecutive meetings of the General Assembly.
- Members shall support and assist the objectives of the Federation.
- Members are obliged to keep the Federation’s Central Office updated about their current address/contact details.
- Members are obliged to pay their membership fees. Should a member fail to pay the membership fees after two reminders, he or she may be excluded from the Federation at the discretion of the Executive Board.
- Group members shall pay their annual fees on request of the Federation’s Central Office.